Tuesday, February 5, 2019

January Update

Wow January really got away from me.  To be honest,  January is always a survival month for us.  It's always a month we all get out of sorts and quite frankly a little unpleasant.  This year of course, it didn't help that we are all living on top of each other.  I think everyone said at least once this month that they were done living in the trailer.  The cold days and early sundowns really get hard when you have no where to get away.  But this last week has seemed better.  The sun is going down later, it has been a little warmer, so we are feeling like we can spend more time outside.  I'm sad I didn't keep up with the blog because this is really what I am using as our family journal.  So I'm going to give a quick update about the last few weeks and then hopefully I will get back on track.  

Big news! The binky is gone! Lily came up to me a couple of weeks ago with a baggie full of her binkies.  She said she wanted the binky fairy to come and bring her an LOL doll.  So she put the binkies outside and the binky fairy wasted no time in taking them away.  She has done amazing.  She hasn't asked for it at all.  The only downside is that she is no longer napping regularly.  This is a kid who used to put herself to bed at nap time.  She loved her naps.  She also takes a little longer to fall asleep at night.  But it gets better everyday and I am glad that I let her decide when it was time to get rid of it because it was so easy and stress free.  
Last moments with her binky.

Totally worth it for the doll

The other big thing we've been doing this past month is lots of skiing.  Charlie had made so much progress over Christmas and we were so excited about that.  Recently though, Kya has also made leaps and bounds.  She is super fast and she even loves to jump as she is heading down the mountain.  She asks to go skiing almost everyday.  She loves it.  Over Christmas we tried to put skis on Lily but she wasn't having it.  But then about a week ago she asked to go.  So we rented her some ski's.  The smallest boots they had were two sizes too small.  We figured it didn't matter because she probably wouldn't last very long.  We headed up the mountain and I thought I would take her out and let her scoot around a little and then we would head inside for some snacks and playtime.  Boy was I wrong.  She picked it up amazingly fast and I spent the day running up and down the magic carpet slope.  She skied for seven hours.  She outlasted Brian and Charlie by more than an hour.  I had to bribe her to take two breaks during the day because I needed it.  I am so glad she loved it.  She also asks to go everyday.  So it looks like I better learn to ski.  

All three of my skiers. 
Lily, Kya and Charlie

After seven hours of skiing, she was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot.

Some other things we have been up to are field trips to museums, the library, indoor playgrounds, and the airplane museum.  This was Charlie's favorite.  We have been playing games and doing lots of crafts.  Charlie is way into Pokemon lately so we have been learning to play that.  I really don't like that game.  

Doing school work on the train ride home from a field trip

Life in the trailer has been going OK.  Our hot water heater has a switch that is broken, so when we need hot water we have to go outside and hit the switch.  This is a bit annoying since it's cold outside.  Hopefully we get that fixed soon.  The plug outside that our heated water hose is plugged into has shorted twice, leaving our water hose frozen.  So that was fun.  Overall though, we are still fine with living in Millie.  Lily really loves it.  The other two occasionally complain and want to live in a stationary home but then when we look at land and talk about building a house and moving out of Millie, they whine and cry.  So you can't ever go by kids reactions.  

I'm going to try harder to keep up on a more semi-daily basis with the blog.  So if you are enjoying following a long make sure to check back frequently this month to see how we are holding up this month.  

Miles of Love,

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