Tuesday, November 6, 2018

One Month Review

Two days ago we hit the one month mark for full time RV living.  We started reflecting on what we thought so far and I decided to share it. 

First, we realize how quickly a place becomes a home.  I was worried that every time we walked in the door we would feel like we were camping or just have that feeling it was a trailer not a house.  We adjusted quickly to not even thinking about those things.  We feel comfortable and already have a rhythm to how we do things.  Home really is where your family is.  Cheesy I know, but I couldn't resist.
       I found this on my phone.  I love that she took a
 selfie with Millie the trailer.

Second, We can't believe that we don't miss our stuff.  When we were purging our belongings, it was so stressful.  Every item in hour home was picked up, looked at, thought about and then we made a decision about whether we should keep it or not.  It was one of the most exhausting things I've ever done.  I've moved a lot in my life time (around 20 times).  I understand how to get rid of clutter, but when you downsize from a 2500 square foot house to a 300 square foot house, it is on a whole other level.  However, now after it's all said and done, I don't even miss that stuff I was struggling to get rid of.  I can't even remember what it was.  It's truly surprising how little we actually need.  Even now I look at the stuff I kept and realize that some of that stuff will probably end up going too.

                       Our yard sale to start the purge. 

Third, We all really like each other!  We have always been a bit of a codependent family.  However, we still found ourselves all in our own rooms, sometimes on our own level of the house.  When you have the room to spread out, you do.  Now we are near each other no matter what.  I was worried that it would take us a while to adjust to this, but we actually all find that we like it a lot.  We play games, we cook together, we sit and talk, we only have one TV so we even have to compromise and watch TV together.  I feel like we are actually getting to know each other.  I have to admit, I was worried. When you tell people your plan to live in a trailer, most people respond with, wow your brave.  Some even asked if I was worried about ending up divorced.  While I assumed we would be fine, the comments still made me think about these things.  It turns out, we really like to be together.  I know, I know, you're thinking it's only the first month, give it time.  I am, and we'll see.  But I am going to enjoy all this togetherness for now, just in case the naysayers are right.

These are the three main things that we noticed this past month.  Brian keeps telling me that he can't believe how much he likes it.  I can't explain why, but it feels so freeing.  It really was scary and stressful to give up a stationary home.  It was one of the hardest weeks of my life, but now I am so glad we did.  We feel like we have a lot of options and possibilities ahead.  I am a serious planner so not knowing what the future looks like is a little bit nerve racking for me, but also very exciting.

Miles of Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hey you're making me want to be a full-time RV personšŸ¤—
